Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of Captives

Secretariat of Formation


“The formation of our brothers, on which above all the increase and fruitfulness of the Order depends, is directed toward promoting the maturity of the person both in the Order of nature and of grace…” (CC.78)

The Secretariat of Formation helps to make us more and more aware of our vocation, both Christian and Trinitarian, concretizing a witness and a commitment to realize our Trinitarian vocation; It promotes both initial and ongoing formation, able to listen, engage, energize, enthuse, and to reflect one’s charism in a world that is confused and increasingly distant from God and the Gospel.

The training tends to form true redeeming Trinitarians for the liberation of God’s children to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.

St. Michael of the Saints Fund

Purpose: The St. Michael of the Saints Fund, is a solidarity fund to help those jurisdictions that do not have sufficient means to provide for the costs assumed for the maintenance of its students during the course of the year of preparation for solemn profession.


1. The Order of the Most Holy Trinity, mindful of the priority of formation and aware of the economic difficulties of some jurisdictions of the Order to provide sufficiently for the formation needs of its formandi, in response to the wish expressed by the General Chapter to grow in the communication of goods among the jurisdictions in order to increase communion, creates the FUND “SAN MICHELE DEI SANTI” for formation.

Creation and purposes of the Fund

2. The “Saint Michael of the Saints Fund” is an economic fund formed by the contributions that, in a voluntary way, are given by the Provinces, Vicariates and Delegations of the Order, and by the donations received in this sense, coming from institutions or individuals who, in this way, want to express their effective solidarity to the formation of the religious.

Fund administration

3. The administration of the Fund is the responsibility of the Fund’s Board of Directors.
4. The following are members of the Board of Directors: the General Minister of the Order, the President of the General Secretariat of Formation, the General Treasurer, two Provincial Ministers (or ad instar Provincialis) of those provinces that collaborate economically with the Fund, who will be designated by the General Council at the beginning of each sexennium.
5. The position of treasurer of the Fund will be held by the General Treasurer.

Operation of the Fund

6. The Fund’s Board of Directors will meet once a year, in November or December, after convening by the General Treasurer, to approve the budget for the current year and approve the budget for the following year. Said budget will be prepared according to the requests received by the Fund’s Board of Directors, which will be studied and approved, possibly, at this annual meeting.
7. Provincial Ministers or ad instar Provincialis who submit a training project for the benefit of one or more religious in their jurisdiction, in writing addressed to the Board of Directors, may present themselves as beneficiaries of aid from the Fund.
8. The deadline for delivering said request is October 31 of each year. Requests that arrive at their destination after this date will be postponed until the following year.
9. In the request, the Provincial Minister or ad instar Provincialis, will indicate as clearly as possible: the name(s) of the beneficiaries, what the training project to which the application relates consists of and the interest therein, the economic cost required to meet the expenses (never exceeding the following year’s limits), and the reason for using the Fund to obtain the requested aid.
10. Requests must be submitted, necessarily, by the Provincial Minister or ad instar Provincialis. As a matter of principle, any request sent by another person (even if it is a trainer or local minister), will not be considered.
11. The Board of Directors, having regard to the sums available, the economic conditions of the requesting jurisdiction, the sense of equity, and the interest following the educational experience expressed, will grant such aid as it can provide, by an unappealable judgment, which will be communicated as soon as possible to the Minister concerned.
12. They have priority, ongoing requests for the project of the “Year of Preparation for Solemn Profession” as established by the 2007 General Chapter.
13. The Board of Directors, after reading each request, considering its content, and discussing the situation of the Fund and the actual availability of the assets to be distributed, will decide on each case by secret deliberative vote. In the event that one of the five voters is missing, and there is a tie between positive and negative votes, the opinion of the General Minister will tilt the decision toward the positive or negative outcome. In case the General Minister is unable to attend the session, the General Vicar, in his absence, another general councilor or other religious expert in the matter, with voice and vote, will be invited to take part.
14. The decision of the Board will be final, and will be communicated to the senior minister signing the request, as soon as possible.
15. In case of the extinction of the Fund, by decision of the General Council of the Order, any remaining balance shall be allocated for the benefit of education, according to the decision of the General Minister and his Council.

Year of Preparation for Solemn Profession

The purpose of this project is to provide the necessary training tools for young people preparing to make solemn profession; the idea is for it to begin operation in 2010, between Rome and Cerfroid (Paris).

It purports to offer a formative community with experienced formators and educational environments to deepen content, experiences, communion, spirituality and a sense of belonging to the Order. One must avoid reductive and absolutist nationalisms of one’s own culture and move to a more general notion of our charism. The mutual acquaintance of young religious helps an opening of the mind and spirit that will increase the love for the Order and our charism.
This course offers some intellectual, historical, spiritual and pastoral working tools to discover what the Order’s identity is in the Church and in the world. Offering these tools and content will help clarify the questions of our young people in institutional training so that they can answer these questions for themselves.

In practice, there would be four academic blocks to be dealt with in this year:
1. Theology of consecrated life.
2. Trinitarian identity: in the perspective of history, legislation, liturgy and art.
3. Trinitarian identity, charism and mission.
4. Trinitarian identity, openness to shared mission.

The following aspects must also be considered for training:

  1. Be aware of the existential moment in which students arrive in Rome. It is an important time in the life of a religious, so the psychological and human aspect of each person should not be neglected, making a personalized accompaniment. Hence a preparation on Lectio Divina in which one can share in a relaxed environment, one’s faith experience, is very helpful. We must also prioritize the elements of education and civic sense that are the means of peaceful coexistence among people who do not know each other.
  2. Display a sober and moderate lifestyle in this year, so that students realize that the lifestyle they are choosing is poor and humble, in harmony with the spirit of the tertia pars.
  3. One should not forget such important aspects as the political, economic, social and religious situation in the world, which is troubling in many countries from which the students who will participate in this year come. Therefore, providing reality analysis tools is crucial.
  4. Insist on Canon Law, so that when students take the final step with solemn profession, they know very well its consequences; it is not so much about serving the Order but serving the Order.
  5. For the success of this project, the General Secretariat of Formation could fortify and support the training teams of the various jurisdictions so that the training program is always adequate.
  6. The spiritual aspect of our vocation is crucial, as is the theological experience of the other person who is the image of God and therefore must be respected and loved in his or her diversity and freedom. Interiority is very important and from this one can deepen important aspects such as living in common and sharing what one has and knows, in fraternity.
  7. At the end of the preparation year, trainers should draw an evaluation on each candidate. This is a comprehensive assessment showing the candidate’s progress.
  8. Emphasize the value of work as the meaning of life.



President Secretariat of Formation

Br. Ignacio Rojas Gálvez (Spain)

President of the Secretariat of Formation.

E-mail: formazione@trinitari.org